martedì 18 gennaio 2011

Let's celebrate the "Befana" /Festeggiamo la "Befana"

Il 6 Gennaio, tutti i bambini italiani hanno ricevuto una calza piena di caramelle e cioccolate come dono dalla "Befana." Nei giorni seguenti, a scuola, sono stati coinvolti in molte attività sull'evento: poesie, disegni, canti,...
On the 6th of January, all the Italian children received a stocking full of sweets and chocolates as a present from the "Befana". In the following days, at school,they were involved in many activities about this event: poems, drawings, songs,...

Classe 2^B - Scuola Primaria "A. Ciancia"-Francavilla in Sinni (PZ) - Italia

1 commento:

  1. It's interesting ritual, Gina! Thanks a lot for the great children's drawings and paintings! We know about Befana. On 1st March we celebrate "Martenitsas". We will tell you about this tradition soon.
    Warm wishes to all, Reny, Darina , their pupils


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